Outdoor Imaging by Brad Terry

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Why I started the Fine Michigan Photography Blog

Duck Lake State Park. Whitehall, MI.

I know, I know, everyone has a blog these days. As Oprah Winfrey once said, "You get a blog! And you get a blog! And you get a blog! Everybody gets a blog!!". She may have said something slightly different(sorry I couldn't find a better clip than this)but you get the point, it seems like there is a blog for every topic under the sun. So clearly I'm not starting this to try and be different or to stay up to date on the current trends. I'm certainly not the first person to have a photography blog and undoubtedly many more will come about and likely be much better than this one. So why would I do this? Well, there are a few reasons. I hope it will keep me motivated to continue photographing what I find interesting and beautiful and give me another avenue to share my images. It will allow me to get more "in depth" in explaining what, why and how I choose my compositions and hopefully will get people to interact more(i.e. comment, critique, etc.) with my photography. I also hope to share other Michigan photographers images and discuss with them why they've created certain images and what they find beautiful and unique about this great state of ours. Thanks for taking the time to read this and feel free to leave any comments below!
